Indoor Registration 2024 - 2025

Indoor Soccer Registration Opens August 1.
Scroll Down For the Registration Link.

Indoor soccer is open to all children born between 2006 & 2017. If you are unsure of which age group to register your child in, please refer to this AGE CHART

August 1 - August 14: Regular Registration Fee
August 15 - August 31: Regular Registration Fee + an additional $25 late fee

Please find your child's age group below for more information...

U9 - House League Only - No travel
Co-Ed Team
Birth Years - 2016 & 2017
Season Length - mid October - Mid December
Indoor Season Fee - $125

U11 - House League with option to travel to a tournament or two if enough interest from team members
Co-ed Team
Birth Years - 2014 & 2015
Season Length - mid October - Mid February 
Indoor Season Fee - $150
Please note, extra fees will apply to enter tournaments, as well as, a $100 refundable jersey deposit. 

U13 & Up - Some travel, At least 3 tournaments, with option to enter more if enough interest from team members
Birth Years - 2006 - 2013
Season Length - mid September - Mid March
Indoor Season Fee - $300 + $100 refundable jersey deposit
Please note, extra fees will apply to enter additional tournaments. 
U13 + will be split into separate boys and girls teams unless registration numbers are too low, in which case teams will need to be co-ed. 

We will be offering registrants the option to split their registration fee into as many as 4 credit card payments. 
For U13-U19 teams initial payment would be $75 + $100 jersey deposit and then another $75 payment will come off your credit card on August 15, Sept 1 & Sept 15.
Options offered upon registration checkout.


Please Note: If you have registered for soccer or another sport via RAMP before you will use the same login credentials.


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